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IBM MQ Developer Essentials Badge

Aprenda a desarrollar aplicaciones con IBM MQ y cree soluciones de mensajería listas para producción.

Objetivos de aprendizaje

  • Comprender los conceptos de mensajería de IBM MQ
  • Crear y configurar un gestor de colas, una cola y un tema
  • Desarrolle una aplicación JMS simple de punto a punto que pueda conectarse e interactuar con el administrador de colas
  • Demuestre su aprendizaje y habilidades asumiendo un desafío de codificación y desarrollando una solución a un problema
  • Solucionar problemas y depurar su aplicación

Módulos en esta ruta de aprendizaje

Complete estos tutoriales para obtener las habilidades prácticas y los conocimientos necesarios para responder las preguntas de nuestro cuestionario y obtener una insignia de MQ Developer Essentials.

N Course Description
1 IBM MQ fundamentals Learn the key capabilities of IBM MQ. Come back here when you’re done.
2 Get up and running with a queue manager. Pick your platform: ContainersCloudUbuntuMac (use Containers), or Windows Use the tutorials in this series to stand up a queue manager, MQ Server. Come back here when you’re done.
3 Explore the MQ Console Now that you have your queue manager, it’s time to explore the MQ Console, which will help you understand what’s going on with your MQ system. Come back here when you’re done.
4 Get ready to code in Java Now that you have your queue manager and have used the MQ Console, you’re ready to see what your application needs so it can connect to the queue manager and put and get messages from the queue. Come back here when you’re done.
5 Take on the messaging coding challenge Now you have an idea of what is involved in developing applications that can connect to and interact with the MQ server and its objects, time to get your hands dirty. Take up the challenge and develop your own MQ application. Come back here when you’re done.
6 Debug your application or environment For a handy set of tips and tricks and all the little extras you might need when developing MQ apps, use the MQ Developer cheat sheet.


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