Starting a message flow
mqsistartmsgflow command can be used for the following purposes:
- To start a specific message flow in an integration server
- To start all message flows in the integration server
- To start a specific integration server
- To start all integration servers
- To start a message flow in a specific application or library or both
- To start all message flows in a specific application or library or both
- To start a specific application
- To start all applications
mqsistartmsgflow command usage
mqsistartmsgflow <broker name> <attributes>
-e integrationServerName
The name of the integration server for which to start message flows. You must specify either -e or -g.
The specified message flow or flows are started on all integration servers on the specified broker. You must specify either -e or -g.
All message flows in the specified integration server are started.
-k applicationName
The name of an application to which to target a start request.
-m flowName
The name of the message flow being started.
-v traceFileName
This parameter sends internal debug trace information to the specified file.
-w timeoutSecs
This parameter specifies the time in seconds that the utility waits to ensure that the command completed; the default value is 60.
-y libraryName
The name of a library to which to target a start request.
The -z parameter indicates that all applications in an integration server are to be started.
mqsistartmsgflow command examples:
Start a named message flow that you have deployed to integration server eg1 on the broker NODE:
mqsistartmsgflow NODE -e eg1 -m simpleflow
Ensure that all message flows are running on the local broker NODE:
mqsistartmsgflow NODE -g -j
Start the message flow Flow in the application myApplication in the default integration server:
mqsistartmsgflow NODE -e default -k myApplication -m Flow
Start the message flow Flow in the library myLibrary, which is referenced by the application myApplication, in the default integration server:
mqsistartmsgflow NODE -e default -k myApplication -y myLibrary -m Flow
Start all message flows and start all applications in the default integration server:
mqsistartmsgflow NODE -e default -z -j
Stopping a message flow
mqsistopmsgflow command can be used for the following purposes:
- To stop a specific message flow in an integration server
- To stop all message flows in the integration server
- To stop a specific integration server
- To stop all integration servers
- To stop a message flow in a specific application or library or both
- To stop all message flows in a specific application or library or both
- To stop a specific application
- To stop all applications
mqsistopmsgflow command usage
mqsistopmsgflow <broker name> <attributes>
-e integrationServerName
The name of the integration server for which to stop message flows. You must specify either -e or -g.
Used with the –m, –e, and –k parameters to force the named message flow to stop within the named integration server or the named application.
The specified message flow or flows are stopped on all integration servers on the specified broker. You must specify either -e or -g.
All message flows in the specified integration server are stopped; the integration server is not stopped.
-k applicationName
The name of an application to which to target a stop request.
-m flowName
The name of the message flow being stopped.
-v traceFileName
This parameter sends internal debug trace information to the specified file.
-w timeoutSecs
This parameter specifies the time in seconds that the utility waits to ensure that the command completed; the default value is 60.
-y libraryName
The name of a library to which to target a stop request.
The -z parameter indicates that all applications in an integration server are to be stopped.
mqsistopmsgflow command examples
Stop a named integration server on broker NODE:
mqsistopmsgflow NODE -e eg2
Stop all integration server processes on the local broker NODE:
mqsistopmsgflow NODE -g
Stop the message flow Flow in the application myApplication in the default integration server:
mqsistopmsgflow NODE -e default -k myApplication -m Flow
Stop the message flow Flow in the default integration server and restart the default integration server:
mqsistopmsgflow NODE -e default -m Flow -f restartExecutionGroup
Stop the message flow Flow in the library myLibrary, which is referenced by the application myApplication, in the default integration server:
mqsistopmsgflow NODE -e default -k myApplication -y myLibrary -m Flow
Stop all message flows and stop all applications in the default integration server:
mqsistopmsgflow NODE -e default -z -j