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JWK Generator

Sitio web:

Un JWK (JSON Web Key) es una clave criptográfica expresado en formato JSON.

A JSON Web Key (JWK) is a cryptographic key or keypair expressed in JSON format. This site offers a mechanism to easily generate random keys for use in servers and other projects.

This server will never log or store any generated keys. The source code for this server is available on GitHub for inspection and re-use. If you would like to generate your own key locally (so as not to trust a remote service with your secret keys), you can use the command line utility version of the library that powers this site.

Ejemplo OCT

  • kid: viene a ser como un client_id
  • k: viene a ser como un cliente_secret (es un hash)

Shared Key

    "kty": "oct",
    "use": "sig",
    "kid": "hs256-key",
    "k": "h46SEPK7gbJsaj8LEw7O8L6PSr20SKAkwwjBUEDcDAtpYgYVTJvuEq7cCtF4WmxonZxyTdl0pGu4htFQ0rClT3-o3k8jAi-G4UWRtXzujDGJG-_se-_mk7yg1BDZMw0JjEKuZHlk3rEgJ9G6h6IRKXjq5gD-52bz9VtWwIyGUs037MrPYo8HT0FK_QaF37y7ttCM8Y0RY6CnWs3Rxrkp34DmEzpBuj5RZuk-vOAFXe7LiDhsoMzSmVM0UocFzl-SjrPt-g7PbqUK-VjpXqo2kOAjkSHlI0CPkD7ygX32QBxokZ4Rqnkkr0rE13k5pn8HObsNyNk5GRuepBvpANTIwQ",
    "alg": "HS256"


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